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Ever wanted to appear in a zombie film, does the zombie film you are making or planning to make need support in the way of extras, make up artists and production staff or do you want more people to see your Zombie film.

If you are making a zombie films, then get in touch, we will put your details here and also mention it on our news letter and get your website or email address out to people who have expressed an interest in appearing in or supporting Zombie Films.

Below is a list of films that are being produced, need help and support or you may want to watch. If you want to appear in a zombie film, do the make up on a zombie film or help them out, then get in touch with them, PLEASE…

For regular updates on opportunities to appear in and support zombie films, please join our mailing list and we will mail you with details of new films being added to this column.

Get in touch to appear here...


ZOMBIES and MAKE UP ARTISTS NEEDED - East Midlands- July, August and September, 2012. Hey, Gav Gore here... If you have ever had make up done at a Terror4fun event then there is bloody good chance it was me that covered you in latex and blood... I'm working on a short film project with a director from Loughborough and this one is going to be quite an undertaking and WE NEED YOU !!! Its a Zombie/Infected Human type project being filmed 15th July, 5th August and 2nd September 2012. In July we need 30-50 general extras to be dead bodies - this shoot will start around 5.30-6.00. We need lots of zombies in August and September, and these are very early shoots! It will be filmed in the East Midlands, to be 100% accurate Loughborough Town Centre. If we can get tonnes of zombies together, for the featured zombies we are going to need some makeup artists who will take direction and know what they are doing, on the final days shoot we will need some people who just sort of fancy a go at doing some makeup, and this will cover the background zombies. If this sounds good to you then please email me at

Hellraiser shoot on July 20th (NON-PAID) in LONDON Required: men and women to play extras as undead slaughtered souls in hell. You'll be covered in blood so bring clothing that will be thrown away. Ideally a tight t-shirt and underwear as the undead are supposed to be naked. For further details email

Calling all Zombies! A one-off opportunity to appear as an extra in the trailer for Charlie Higson's new zombie book – The Sacrifice. Fans of The Enemy series by best-selling author Charlie Higson are being given the chance to be in the trailer for his new book, The Sacrifice . Filming takes place on Saturday 30 June and a small army of zombie ‘sickos' is required for filming at a secret location in South London. This is the fourth in a series of trailers for the cult zombie series , and is written and directed by Charlie Higson himself. The Sacrifice is the fourth title in the series and will be published later this year on 20 September. Set in and around London, the events in The Enemy series take place in a world where a mystery disease has broken out affecting only grown-ups. Some survive, but those that do face a more terrifying fate – they turn into hideous zombies with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. Children form gangs and attempt to survive in an unrecognisable world where there are dangers around every corner. Previous trailers for the books in the series have had combined viewings of more than 100,000 on YouTube and have seen Charlie Higson transforming into a decaying zombie; chilling footage of a terrified boy posting a clip online of himself being attacked by diseased adults; and, last year, a rotting zombie (with an uncanny resemblance to Charlie Higson) attempting to break into a room full of terrified children. Charlie Higson is a successful author, actor, comedian and writer for television and radio. The first novel in his bestselling zombie-adventure series for teenagers, The Enemy , was published by Puffin in 2009 and was followed by The Dead (2010) and The Fear (2011). Charlie is a huge fan of horror films and books, and even studied gothic literature at university. With three sons of his own, Charlie knows exactly how to terrify and captivate teenagers in equal measure. To enter, zombie hopefuls must be over 16 and will need to send a photo of themselves and 50 words (or less) describing why they would make a good zombie to by Tuesday 26 June. Spaces are limited and the lucky ones chosen to take part will be notified the following day. For full details and terms and conditions, go to .

'Job Satisfaction.' My name is Stuart Fitzsimmons I am a film maker from Devon, with a passion for zombie films, a few months ago I was reading a comic and I decided to make in to a short film, I emailed the writer and he was kind enough to get back to me with a resounding, “Yes you can film it that would be brilliant”, and I have been in constant contact since. So I now have permission to film an actual comic that is in circulation, called “Job Satisfaction”. Job Satisfaction is a comic book written by Gary William Crutchley its a four page comic about two guys on a roof top in a zombie apocalypse, one guy is taking pot-shots with a rifle and enjoying his new life the other isn't enjoying himself at all. You can find the strip in a book called “The Mammoth Book of Zombie Comics” it will be filmed in Newton Abbot, Devon at the cattle market (which is a ten minute walk from the train station and very easy to find) on July 1 st 2012 at 3pm. I need all the zombies I can get, but sadly this is an unpaid job there will be food (in the form of snacks) and drink available on site. There is a motion storyboard on youtube please check it out . Its the comic its self animated and voiced there is also a Facebook group you are welcome to join on here you can see the progression of the film and post your own opinions and ideas to what you would like to see in it. If you can help in any way then please contact us through the Facebook Page... Thanks for reading... Stuart Fitzsimmons

Cockneys Vs Zombies. A horror comedy movie written by James Moran who wrote Severance, and episodes of Torchwood, Doctor Who, Primeval series, Crusoe, Spooks, Code 9 and directed by Matthias Hoene, starts shooting in London very soon, and several scenes are going to require zombie extras - a lot of them. A hell of a lot. And that's where you come in.
Any time I mention the movie to people, the first question they ask is "can I be a zombie??" Well, yes! The more the merrier, to successfully create a proper, full-on, shambling zombie outbreak. Here are the details, from the fantastic extras casting co-ordinators The Lynch Mob:
People in the UK are being given the chance to play extras in the new film Cockneys vs Zombies which will be shot at various locations around the city of London during March and April.
We're looking for men and women - preferably those over 18 - to become involved in the film as extras. We need an eclectic bunch of people of all shapes, sizes, races, and ages, to represent modern day Britain. We need people that are happy wearing suits, or jeans, or even shorts and t-shirts. For some there will be a chance of doing a couple of days but most will be needed for just one or two days. Have you ever wanted to know what it's like being on a film set, to eat with the cast and crew and be part of the action as the drama unfolds? Well now's your chance. Although there will be no payment, those volunteering as extras will be fed and watered while on set.
If you are interested, email us a recent photograph (doesn't have to be professional, anything recent that shows you clearly is fine) with your name, age and contact details (address and phone number) and send it to - we'll get back to you and fill you in on everything else you need to know.
So there you go. If you like the sound of that, then fire up your electric computer machine, and email them. Don't email or contact me about it, I have no other information! Come and be a zombie in a movie what I wrote!

The Odinsay Incident The project is in the very early stages and hopefully, if we can raise the funds we will be starting shooting next Summer. The setting for our movie will be on Sanday, one of the Orkney Islands. It is very remote and a perfect place to make a zombie movie (hopefully!!). It's a non-profit making organisation and they want to get a film making community set up in Orkney. Once things moving they would like to hear from any make-up artists who could help. Hopefully in the future they will be looking for cast and crew. Below is a link to a website page with details of the zombie project. It does say synopsis on the page, but it is more of a background to the story rather than a full synopsis of the movie. They will be adding the movie synopsis at a later date when the characters and plot lines have developed a bit further.

BE A ZOMBIE The Location : Brighton, UK, on Halloween. You really can Be A Zombie for a day! If you are interested, please look around, see what we're all about, and join the

Ay Up Me Duck Of The Dead Currently in pre-production.We're currently looking for zombies to play various roles in the short film ! Please email with your details or register on the website .

'Hospital Resurrection' Tuesday 10th March, filming is gonna take place at an abandoned, derelict hospital in Harold Wood, Romford. I'm coming to you as we would prefer the zombies to have their own costumes etc so they look comfortable in their own skin. Please contact

'Music Video Needs Zombies' We are looking to film around the end of March and would need about 30 zombies for an afternoon / evening shoot in a venue as they try and eat the band. If you want any other information please email

'Un-named Zombie Comedy Web Series' Hi there, my name is Philip Mason, wannabe film maker from Sheffield. For more information and to contact me, please drop an email in to:

'A North East UK Based Production Company' are in early pre-production for a feature length, 18 rated zombie action film to be shot in the North East of England. Email Click here for more details.

'Reagitated' Mainly a student production, this is their third independent production and first feature length film piece.

'Dead Rising' is film being made in Fawley, UK in the New Forest by Alex Hardie. A website and more details will be coming soon , but in the meantime, please contact Alex directly on

'Zombie Undead' is a new British Zombie movie being directed by up and coming star, Rhys Davies in the Midlands.

'Deadfall' an intelligent zombie film, being made in and around Toronto, with Eco-friendly production values and featuring a really good website with concept art, bios and all the info you could need about the production of this film... Looks really exciting...

'Dead End' another British Zombie Flick being produced in '06, I know they need zombies and i believe they are filming in Kent, in April or May, so get in touch if this is the kind of thing that might float your boat!!!

'Gasoline Blood' a UK film that finished production in June 06 and should be getting its first showings at Zombie Fest 06 and Frightfest. No website yet, but for more information please feel free to contact the director David Pope on:

'Evil Keg' an American film for Lions Gate, where one of the main make up artists used the Terror4fun make up guides to create the 'Zombies...' The trailer has to be seen to be believed... We are just hoping for a UK release or at least a Region 2 DVD!

'Stag Night of the Living Dead' another UK film made in 07, check out this surreal Ipswich filmed madness....

'Zomblies from the Moors II' is a 30 minute, 'balls to the wall' action adventure film, shot on Dartmoor, and other locations in Devon, including an abandoned nuclear bunker and factory complex. For details contact


Please note, we will attempt to update the details of the films here but film production being what it is, they may have been filmed or put back for 6 months, if you find out that any of the info here is incorrect please let us know.