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Terror4fun once again boarded the Zombie Express and headed north up the M1 for a couple of days of fun in the sun, well the wind and rain anyway… Yes it was the Foreign Fields Kit Fair and Zombie Ed was expected to get on the stage again…

Once again the windy ex-locomotive shed near Sheffield, that is the main part of the Elsecar Heritage Centre played host to a whole pile of traders and punters looking to come together in a surreal gathering of weapon makers, costumiers and the people that they provide for….

Terror4fun was once again present to inform the world of their own particular brand of Zombie Event, this time talking to folks about the annual Zombie Fest LRP event and the latest expansion into the world of zombies, the Day of the Undead, Zombie Film Festival.

People came from far and wide to attend the event and once attended, this is not an easy event to forget, with people buying anything from £600 suits of armour to Terror4funs own 50p badges… so there was something for everyone…

Once a day, Zombie Ed mounted the stage with nothing but a volunteer and a chemical warfare suit for protection to entertain and engage the crowd in an act simply known as ‘Zombie Ed and the Sandwich Bags of Pain…' To sum this act up in few words is difficult, but to say, wet, bloody and slightly unnerving would probably be some of the more accurate and polite words we could use.

Then come Sunday, the Zombie Express back to Leicester and another evening of recovering and talking about what could have been, especially with our hangovers intact.