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After a beating from the undead, the Guests returned to the Military Camp to ask for aid, but found most of the soldiers mad or dead... So they took advantage of the situation and killed anyone left, looted the weapons and got on with the business of trying to not get killed by Brigadier Brownhill's Nuclear Weapon...


Another soldier arrived, but this one seemed less inclined to shoot everyone on sight and steal their weapons and he had information relating to an excavation in the valley, he led the players to this dig and in repayment a few decided to steal the box of information and leave him to die...


Once the survivors had pieced together the location the bunker... It was time to hide in there until the blast happened and they could make good their escape... Only problem being there was still about 15 people alive, so the first 7 got into the 4 man bunker and then discovered the limited oxygen supply... In the images below you can see the party atmosphere of the bunker turn into drawing straws for who is using too much air... Dr Mathews got the short staw and the Sheriif was only to happy to put him out of his misery....


With some of the guests secured within the bunker, it was feeding time for the undead. The valley was teeming with zombies and it was only a a matter of time before everyone outside was devoured and infected... and through it all, the blood stained camera kept rolling... The Brigadiers bomb only affected living things and so the undead started to surround the survivors in the bunker...


The feeding frenzy had started and the dash for survival began, first out of the bunker was the Sheriff, but he was soon brought down and devoured...


Todd Winchester, showing the pace that made him the legend that he now is, that and plenty of his trade mark two finger salutes that once he gets out of the Military Prison, will ensure he never has to work again !!! God bless you Todd !!!