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Once again, the zombie faithful headed to the Quarries Campsite to take part in Zombie Fest, you know when you have arrived, you simply have to look for the huge wooden beaver (sorry) and you know good times are ahead. People arrived, proudly put up their tents, drank, chatted and listened to Mr Kent practising for his 'live session' to happen later that night. We also had a visitation from Bronwyn and Kim of Passion Pictures, making a doucmentary for Channel 4 , all in all a relaxing and mingling based start to Zombie Fest 2007!

After a couple of small technical issues with the projector, the films were ready to go, a brief hello from Zombie Ed (from Leicester) and then straight into Mark Wall's 'Campus of the Living Dead' who made this low budget, but incredibly entertaining film while a film student (in Leicester), this was soon followed by the short film 'Zombie Undead' directed by Rhys Davis (from Leicester, is anyone seeing a theme forming here???) After the short film was the first live debut of James Kents 'Zombie Girlfriend' anthem, accompnaied by Tim on a severed head filled with beans??? This rocked the house until it was time for the feature, which this year was 'Severed: Forest of the Dead.'

Directly after the films a huge campfire was lit and much alcohol was consumed, as people got to relax and chill out, catch up from last year and generally drink alot and act like monkeys....


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