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The tour of the valley was over, but rather than a nice cup of tea and a complimentary cake... There was death, infection and the living dead awaiting for the guests... Surprisingly heavily armed guests, quietly confident of their abilities to survive another weekend of carnage in Willard Valley, but then it began... First of all the insurance fraudster got eaten by two infected members of the WI, then the Professors assistant got it in the toilets, then an actor from the tour and soon enough the blood was flowing and everyone was trying to keep an eye on their neighbours to try and keep track of exactly who had and more importantly who hadn't been bitten...


The British Army then arrived, not to rescue people, but on the run from the zombies in the nearby town of Winchester Green... The army had seen the infected and was going to drop a 'Tactical Weapon' on Winchester Green and the guests in Willard were told that if the too many infected were seen in Willard then they would be next!!! As a response to the threat, people grabbed guns, knives, axes, chainsaws and fire extinguishers to bare upon the undead, but for every two or three zombies dealt with, another of the survivors would get bitten or scratched or sprayed... All apart from our friend Father Mulhearn...


Blood flowed through the valley turning the grass red, intestines sprayed the walls, as the survivors used either flight or fight to fend off the undead... Most that stood to face the menace, were bitten, some of those that ran did find safe hiding spaces, other found solace in the rancid jaws of the zombie hordes that only 2 hours earlier had been their tea drinkling friends...


Slowly but surely, the tide of humanity was beginning to run out of steam... People barricade themselves into the buildings... Ammo began to run low... The groups of survivors constantly moving around the site grew fewer in number and then it all began to get quiet, quiet that is apart from the scratching of rotting nail on glass, as the undead attempted to get into the building which contained some of the survivors and some of their infected friends, who were simply watching the clock and waiting to die...


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