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Zombie Fest 2009 was once again upon us and the usual mix of Zombie Games, Zombie Films, Zombie Shooting, Zombie Archery and the BIG Zombie Survival Game, meant that people from all over the country were indeed slightly hung over and stained red for the next few days... Here is a brief summary of events and a pile of pictures, to try and explain the madness that was Zombie Fest 2009.


Friday Night: A mix of high quality short films, including a number of clown and cowboy zombie films, followed by drinking, gaming and chilling out around the big camp fire in the sites own ampitheatre...

For more pics from Friday Click Here...


Saturday Morning: Consisted of shooting and archery and drinking tea.... We could have done a whole page of photos of bleary eyed folks drinking tea and trying to blow lumps out of the zombie targets but we felt it was better if we didn't so a few pics are below...


Saturday Afternoon and Evening: The Zombie LRP, we wanted at least one person to survive this year, and so the plot towards the end gave them a zombie and radiation proof suit... Read on to find out if anyone worked together to escae the dropping bombs and the Living Dead to make survival a possibility....

For pics from the Zombie LRP Click on the link... Part 1... Part 2... and Part 3...


Sunday: consisted of prizes, bacon sandwiches and lots and lots of tea drinking... PLUS a buy some body bags sale....

For Sundays Pics... Click Here...


For Some Extras: Thanks and Salutations just click on our freaky barman below...