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After a few hours the heat, the running and the lack of ammo began to really tell on our brave adventurers, they became slow and careless. Not warning colleagues so they would be eaten, shooting each other and generally not working together for the greater good... For most it was all about me, me, me and for a lot of these they simply became dead, dead dead... More and more became the undead and less were left to work out how to fight the menace...

The appearance of a Shaman from the local tribe, gave a brief glimmer of hope to the dwindling number of survivors. They had to cleanse the statues of the three holy warriors and once purified, place them within the stone circle... and so the Saloon became the penultimate location in this story of Living vs. Dead and even this wooden shack provided little protection for some of the people that had come this far...

They than had to enter the scared stone circle at the centre of the old village and simpy stay alive while the ritual was completed... All they had to do was keep shooting and they would all get out of this alive... All they had to do was be within the stone circle , when the ritual ended... Anyone outside would be cleansed along with all of the undead...

The survivors held out for longer than any thought possible, but all but 3 were devoured and at the point the ritual was completed they were forced out of the circle by the undeads superior numbers... They were all cleaned by the ancient spirits at the saem time...


Q: Who survived the horrors of New Willard?

A. No-one!

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