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Stuart Conran was this years Guest Star and he created a most horrible version of the living dead in front of a room packed with fascinated onlookers. These fans then took away their new found knowledge of zombie make up and used this knowledge to turn their nearest and dearest into the Living Dead. This was of course followed by the Barbecue and a chance to relax, eat and drink before the terror that was to come later in the day...

For over an hour, Stuart ran through 'How to find a Zombie in your Kitchen Cupboard' and how to use various household items to create the ultimate Zombie, he answered questions from the audience and entertained everyone present with useful advice on the zombie make up job he was creating, as well as anything else the curious crowd could throw at him. This selection of pictures is Stuart creating the zombie and applying various types of make up in different ways...


This selection of pictures show the detail that went into Stuart's work, from the subtle blistering of the models forehead and the fleshy tear out of his neck to the oozing brain matter coming out of his massive skull wound and of course the addition of that all important ingredient to any zombie make up job... The Blood !!!


These pictures show the aftermath of the zombie make up demonstration, with a close up of the teeth, the finished job, along with a prosthetic arm that Stuart made for Nick Frost in Shaun of the Dead, when his arm get bitten by the invading zombies. There is also a picture of Stuart with the 'Zombie Undead' team and finally a picture of Ben, our stand by model that didn't get to be 'killed' by Stuart but did recieve the recognition of the crowd by them singing one of the worst renditions of Happy Birthday I have ever heard...


Below are some images of the make up artists Gavin Pate, Paul Ewen and Richard Tewkesbury, hard at work making up some of the poor unfortunates into their undead counterparts... And not forgetting Stefan, Andy Page, Elvis and Jimbo who set up a secondary make up station in the massacred Military Camp to cope with the Zombie Make Up demands of the newly dead 'Guests.' If you look carefully at a couple of the pictures you will be able to see that some of the 'Guests' were so keen they even allowed their clothes to be hacked up and their limbs and chests made up to complete their Undead Ensembles.